Cataloging is good for your well health
MYK is the first App in the world designed to properly catalogue your passion for Art and Comics.
What is that prompts you to want to properly catalogue your collection of art works?
The desire to feel yourself in organised?
To retain all the information that over time you should risk to forget?
To discover how many works you own?
To retain "secret" information on the actual value of your passion?
To share the information with your loved ones?
To have details ready for a possible interested buyer?
We've thought: thought about the defects and found the solutions.
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Who are we thinking for?
For all artistic players: from the collectors to museums, from the artists to the gallery...
MYK is the only application available today on the world market to assist artistic players, museums, foundations, galleries, artists, collectors, cataloging fully and integrally their works and, if they wish, share them with other users (with the possibility to retain confidential information!).
MYK is available in 6 languages, with foreign currencies conversion and measures: in using it you will discover that it is logical and well thought out!
Web site
App Store